If there was one thing that shocked me about the way I am with Venessa, is that I am a sucker for affection. I give it freely, and I yearn for it. I was always a words person before, but now I find that hidden part of myself, and realise I am a touch person. I have to be physically close to her, I have to keep her in my line of sight even when talking to someone else, or I feel uncomfortable. I can't go without hugs, without kisses, without smelling her hair, without flicking her nose or poking her in the tummy. And I feel incomplete if I got none of that in return, if she didn't poke my bellybutton or fiddle with my shirt sleeve, or let her fingers flutter at my side when he passes me.
The other day after work, we were on the escalator and I felt her like the first time we'd held hands. I barely even remember the first time I held hands with her but this day felt like a first. When I reach for her hand, it is warm and dry and comforting like a cozy home after running through the rain. But it isn't the familiarity that strikes me, it is the fact that I still feel a jolt of electricity as her fingers comb through mine. I still feel that rush of the feeling I can only describe as 'whoa' when I hold her around her waist, and every inch of contact is felt so clearly like it's the very first time. It is that pride I feel as I look around and wonder if anyone notices that I'm holding the hand of this gift, this masterpiece.
I feel like a rambling, starstruck fanboy. I would like to be more coherent, really I would, but it is too much fun being in love and having hearts in my eyes. I don't want to see things through anyone else's eyes, I don't want to gag at the idea of love roll my eyes at such things, I don't want to ever forget what being crazy about her feels like because then I go back to a world of grayscale.