I know this is a morbid subject for Valentine's Day week, but I've been thinking about what happens when the love of my life dies.
Yes, I'm touching all sorts of wood and repeating: "Choi!!" as I write this.
What do you do when your soulmate is unexpectedly taken away from you in his prime?
How do you say goodbye to the girl of your dreams and start anew without him?
In the new treacly romantic comedy P.S I love you, based on the best-selling chick-lit novel by Cecilia Aher, Hialry_Swank plays Holly, a happily married New Yorker who suddenly loses her iris hubby Gerry (Gerrad Butler) to a brain tumour. She is utterly berefit until she receives a series of letters from her departed hubby that are delivered at key moments during her first year of windowhood.
It turns out it's all part of his pre-arranged grand plan to help her adjust to a new life. Somehow, while battling terminal cancer, he was selfless enough to think ahead and guides her through the grieving process and onto a journey of rediscovery.
Hmm, what if a dead girl reaches out from beyond her grave with a laundry list of instructions telling me what to do in order is to appreciate a second shot at life?
I think its properly the most romanticwonderfuluntimate act of love, the best gift that one could ever receive. The best way to show your husband you love him when you're on the brink of death isnt with a new car or a candlelight dinner, but by giving her back his life.. So if my future-wife ever sent me posthumous missives, I'd like to see stuff like this.
Love, Splurge on a cool new outfit then go out and party with your best friends
Now, a green light from your wife to go party is almost like receiving a sign from God.
Knowing me, I'd turned into a miserable moping little hermit. I'd be curled up in bed, either in a state of vegetation or wallowing in my big fat self-pitying tears. I would be eating instant noodles every day out of our in our increasingly unkempt house, wearing the same pyjamas for a week and ignoring my handphone. I'd want to be alone with my memories of her and watch Ghost over and over again.
Retail therapy, good company, loud music, free-flowing alcohol and a babe could certainly get her out of my system and kick my butt back into civilisation.
Love, Go on a prepaid holiday to Rome, New York, Maldives and all our other vacation spots.
It's the perfect excuse to take an even longer break from work and see these places with fresh eyes.Sometimes, in order to move forward, you have to take your own sweet time to reminisce about the past.
Love I have a secret stash of cash, stocks, bonds and property - and it's all yours.
Now thats what I call Wife Of The Year material.Someone who meticulously takes care of your financial needs way in advance and provides for you on rainy days.
Love, throw away all my clothes so you will have more closet space.
A womans clothes can take up the whole closet, but this is a tough one. Remember the least scene of Brokeback Mountain? You cant help but want to hold on to any remaining pieces of someone just to feel that tiny bit closer. But I cant be smeling her sweaters and wearing her tubes and g-strings because then where would I put my cool new outfits from Letter No.1 ?
And Finally, I give you permission to love again.
How wonderful is it to get back into the dating game? Well, I guess I just have to pray that my wife goes first and Im the one left to "Suffer". =P
P.S: You know I love you!
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