Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's funny how easy it is to make the same mistakes over and over again. Not only are we hopeless at learning from others' mistakes, we're incompetent at learning from our own.

I think I've been in love or 'love' enough times to know that it's so hard to pinpoint whether this is real love or not. I thought I was in love with Shu Ting and to be honest I think that was the only time I was ever really crazy about one of my ex's. But I didn't love her for who she was truly, I loved the person she had been to me, early in our relationship, when she was sweet and shy, warm and affectionate. Not the cold, indifferent person she turned into when she decided she didn't like me all that much. I thought I was in love with Venessa, but it was just, well sort of a rebound mixed with the fact that I didn't like who she actually was, I just liked who she was made out to be.

I don't believe in soulmates, or that 'one' person in the world for me.

Is love enough to keep a relationship alive? No, I don't think so. Someone asked me a question today, whether anyone outside the relationship would ever understand the depth of the couple's love. I don't know about depth, but I don't think anyone would understand what I FEEL without actually being in my position. It's difficult to put yourself in the other person's shoes especially for feelings so intense. But is that a bad thing? No, I don't think so.

Shu Ting was probably the biggest risk in love I've ever taken because it is the only time I really threw my heart out on the line and just hoped for the best. It was the only time I looked at defeat straight in the face and said, "Screw you, I'm taking this chance." But well, it turned out...

I will continue this later. Probably.

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