Honeymoon periods. I suppose it depends on how you define the honeymoon period. There are parts of the honeymoon period that end inevitably, the crazy googoogaga nologicwhatsoever buaytahanifIdon'tseeyourightnow that one associates with love. It's the time when everything seems peachy and nothing in the world can go wrong, I guess. That part's usually very short. Haha.
I do think a lot of the things you have at the start eventually sorta go away. My ex, whom I unfortunately had rather sparse chemistry with, insisted that romance can last if you try to keep it alive.
Maybe then it's how you define romance. Just cause you get somewhat 'used' to seeing a person doesn't mean you love the person less, it's just that you've kinda gotten the initial infatuation and you realise that your significant other does do normal things like sit on the toilet bowl and occasionally pick her nose when no one's looking. Sending 328946 smses a day to ask how she is and letting her know where you are and waiting with bated breath for the BEEP BEEP and getting all emo when it doesn't come is something that obviously doesn't (and perhaps shouldn't) last forever.
As you progress in your relationship, you progress in your life. And while your life may include the other person, it shouldn't revolve around the other person, just like how you shouldn't expect her to revolve her life around you. The honeymoon period can end, and that's when you know whether you love the person or not. Or vice versa. Eventually the things you once thought were SO CUTE (-insert vapid lovestruck expression here-) will be things that kinda annoy you once in awhile. Oh no, this perfect gal isn't so perfect because she doesn't hug me like she used to, doesn't do this and that..
There are certain things which do end with the honeymoon period, and certain things which don't. Gals, being the neanderthals that they are, will still need to bond with their female counterparts once in awhile. And as much as that may invoke a tearful declaration of my undying love which she will so conveniently put aside for that oh-so-important shopping trip with the recently reunited jie mei(s), it doesn't (shouldn't) take a toll on our relationship. Of course, if it's on a special day such as our anniversary, then hell hath no fury. When I call her and he is too sleepy to talk, or she's terribly unresponsive because she's trying to play Rhasta with one hand while entertaining my endless yakking, I have to realise sometimes that when I come and bug her in the middle of something she's doing, she is not always going to welcome it. As much as she loves me. Which I know she does.
If you're a different person when you're with her and when you're alone/with friends/family then you need to ask yourself why that's so, and whether she's the same person with you as well. If she has to be someone else while with you, then when the honeymoon period ends, SO DOES THE ACT.
There comes a time when I ask myself - what is my place in her life? Do I butt into his gals-only activities? Do I insist on being part of everything she does?
If so, then I'm sorely mistaken on the difference between love and smothering.
I'ill be waiting-