Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm honestly a little tired and burnt out but I want to continue. With everything that goes on, because I know that at the end of all this toughness there's rewards - not monetary or worldly.

I speak for quite a few things in my life at this moment.

Today something made me cry with happiness, and it's really not often that that ever happens. I don't really wanna talk about it... It didn't happen in privacy but I just feel somewhat private about it now, I don't know why. Protective of memories like these.

Don't worry... Amidst all my jadedness, I am quite happy. I just need a little time... To find myself.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What's more important to people?

Reputation and respect? Or love... and staying true to your morals?

Sure everyone says the second one, but not everyone sticks to it when it comes down to choice.

It's difficult to see people you love and admire and respect... Lose it in the face of difficulty. Fear is such a terrible thing.

We went so far and cried so hard. Hated ourselves for what we'd done and what we'd planned to do. Yet when the worst was over we forgot, everything we had learnt, or should have learnt. Meanwhile the time ticks by and one day we will not be so fortunate again.

This has to end... or life as we know it, will.